“Practice Hard, Pray Harder”

Power Cross


            It all started with a Bible study at Jeff and Natalie Storment’s house. Their son, TJ, invited some friends over for food, fellowship, and a game of football. The Storment Bible Study became a regular occurrence, they started with four boys, and over the next few months over thirty boys had joined. The Storment’s group grew to nearly fifty young men over the next two years; they realized that “the boys needed more than a ride to play football and one night a week of extra love.” Jeff left his six figure career to develop the organization full-time. After two years of leading Bible study, helping with homework, preparing meals, and funding athletic endeavors, Power Cross was born. 

           Over the last ten years, their organization has changed the lives of over 500 young men. From table manners to inspiring boys to go to college, they have changed the lives of every young man that has walked through their doors in Statesville, North Carolina. They have served over 115,000 free meals and given over 5000 hours of homework assistance.  Their organization is still growing. The boys that formed the original group graduated high school in 2016 and many of them went on to college, including their son TJ. In Statesville, they are still impacting many young men on a daily basis. Every weekday consists of a rotation of tutoring, athletic workouts, mentoring, and free meals. They are expanding their organization by opening a new location in Salisbury and hoping to inspire many more boys in a new town.   

My Experience:

           Power Cross is an incredibly inspiring organization. Their arms are open to anyone who would like to volunteer, learn, workout, or just need a snack and a hug. Natalie Storment is extremely genuine and has a huge heart for anyone and everyone. She leads her organization with the philosophy that “We want to do for them what we would do for our own son TJ.” Their facility is immaculate and well organized. Everything from homework supplies to training equipment is taken care of and loved well. After interviewing Mrs. Storment, the buses of children started rolling in and the learning began. I was then offered a tour of Power Cross by a fourth-grade boy named Dexter. The joy on his face while talking about this place he loves said it all. These people have made an impact, and getting the opportunity to be a small part of their ministry brings a smile to the faces of not only the kids but the volunteers as well. After my tour was complete, I realized the way to discover the miracles of this organization was to ask several of the kids themselves. I talked to the kids who sit at the desks, eat the food, throw the football, and experience the loving environment of Power Cross every day. A few of the elementary and middle school boys in the tutoring center described Power Cross as, “a place where I get to play on computers and go outside while my mommy is at work, if I was at home I would be by myself, here it is fun.” (Jaivion, 7) “I like to learn about Jesus and sports.” (Zacoreion, 9) “My favorite part is Bible study, because it teaches me more stuff about God. I like sports, school, and reading.” (Taqualin) These are just a few of the many boys impacted by the mission of Power Cross. They inspire kids to pursue good grades and achieve athletic goals so they can go to college and have an amazing life ahead of them full of dreams and a love for God.    

What you can do:


· There are volunteer opportunities for every age at Power Cross. They need volunteers to tutor, prepare meals, coach, lead Bible study or Discipleship, clean the facility, help with administrative work, assist with the field and facility maintenance, and more. 

· Power Cross is clearly a Christian faith-based organization, but everyone is welcome to serve in their mission.  

· Students under 18 are not required to fill out any forms, adults over 18 have to complete a simple background check form on their website or in their building.  This summer all programs are still offered, usually starting around 12 or 1. 

· They have an extremely helpful and easy to view calendar on their website where you can reference specific days and times so you can volunteer.   

Everyone can: 

 · Tutor
Their requirement to tutor is the ability to read. 12 and older are welcome to come and tutor alone, younger students must have an adult with them to make sure the tutoring center is staying on task. Usually from 3:30-6:00 on weekdays. For summer times visit the calendar on their website. You do not have to stay for the whole time, any time and amount of time that works for your schedule is perfect.  

· Help with meals You can prepare them at home, in their kitchen, or have it catered! They serve about 100 meals every weekday, every season. They have specific meal information on their website under “Volunteer.” They also need volunteers to help serve food. You can do one or both.  

· Help with cleaning and upkeep An individual, a family, or a group can be extremely helpful in keeping Power Cross beautiful. You can help with basic cleaning tasks to equipment maintenance.  They also have two transition houses for Power Cross families that you can help clean, paint, and furnish. 

· Seasonal Assistance in Coaching The sports they coach and train for are football, baseball, basketball, and wrestling. If you used to play, currently play, or just have a passion for any of these sports they would love your help.     

What adults can do: 

Adults are welcome and encouraged to help with anything teenagers and families can do, there are a few specific things adults can help with: 

· Specially trained adults such as accountants, businesspeople, etc. can help with administration, accounting, fundraising efforts, grant writing and other business related opportunities. It can be very beneficial to the ministry and gives the Storment family more time to impact the lives of young men.   

Volunteering & Donations

If you are interested in serving or want to learn more:  Visit their website PowerCross.org.  You can also contact Power Cross by calling 704-380-3001   

Donations:  There are many donation opportunities at Power Cross!  

You can donate: 

· Books 

· School Supplies 

· Backpacks 

· Toiletries 

· Athletic Equipment  

· And much more!  

You can also donate food. You can prepare it in your kitchen, their kitchen, or you can have it catered. They will pick it up if needed.  

 You can donate financially online at PowerCross.org  

Contact Us

Power Cross


Located in Statesville, NC

1133 W Front St, Statesville, North Carolina 28677, United States


Monday - Friday: 




